Soitron Connect supports real-time (JSON/XML) and batch file (CSV) translation and exchange, allowing partners to share data, whilst maintaining their preferred data standards. The platform can be extended to support custom and alternative data standards. The platform allows for data cleansing and enrichment, so parties can share as little or as much as their systems permit, while each configuration manages how this data istransformed and exchanged between the parties.



As a service, Soitron Connect is available with a simple monthly subscription and volume based pricing options to suit all customer requirements.

With a record of success, in some of the world’s most complex integration environments and a 100% customer retention rate, Soitron Connect provides a safe, reliable and proven integration solution.

With exceptionally low time to delivery, Soitron Connect can achieve initial data exchange between parties within 3-4 weeks.

Designed and developed with security as standard. Soitron Connect supports all modern transport security protocols and is regularly penetration tested to ensure a robust and secure service.

Eliminates the need for parties to re-engineer their existing tools and solutions, by delivering real-time, multi standard, multi system, data translation, enrichment and exchange.